
Dr. Aliah Aldahash

Msc, BPharm, KSU

Novel Therapies - Imperial College London
Pharmacy - King Saud University
Expertise in Cell and Gene Therapies, Bioinformatics, and Pharmacovigilance

Cell and gene therapies are game-changing treatment in health care; it corrects the root cause of illness at the molecular level. The correction at the molecular level came with the advances in technologies, starting with the generation of the first draft DNA sequence of the human genome. Researchers are designing studies to understand the genes in the human genome. Understanding the human genome, discovering novel proteins and developing novel therapy became less time-consuming and money-saving with the introduction of innovative technologies such as Artificial inelegance (AI)/ machine learning techniques and gene editing techniques. The talk will cover a brief of the current landscape of gene therapies and personalised medicine, machine learning techniques and possible application in the development of gene therapy, including novel protein discovery and treatment, and presenting the possibility of using gene editing tools like CRISPR, Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, with machine learning to predict the locality of the gene for accuracy.

3:50 PM - 4:10 PM

Monday Day 1 5th June

Cell And Gene Therapy:

(Cell And Gene Therapy: A Game-Changing Medicine With Technology Advancement)