
Mohammed AlNamlah

Clinical Psychologist, KFMC


Experienced clinical psychologist with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry. Skilled in Neuropsychology, Health Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Psychotherapy, and Neuropsychological Assessment. Strong healthcare services professional with a Master's degree focused in Clinical Psychology from Alfaisal University.

1:00 PM - 1:50 PM

Tuesday, Day 2 6th June

3rd Panel Discussion: Medical Entrepreneurship in HealthTech

Moderator: Dr. Faris Bukhamsin
(Scientific Saudi || CEO)

Eng. Abdulhamid Alhajji (Saudi Genome || CEO)
Eng. Basem Albiladi (Labayh || CEO),
Eng. Wael Kabli (Cura || CEO)
Mr. Mohammed Abdulghaffar - General Manager of Entrepreneurship & Social Initiatives - Community Jameel Saudi